The Raw Truth of Michael Brown, Knowledge strikes first.

Autopsy_diagram_HANDSUP_zpsc18f1deeLook, this is a rant pure and simple. No subtlety, no well thought out points and no researched facts. If you want nuance and my honest feelings about the situation, check out NFL Tight End Benjamin Watson’s post about the entire situation. As for me, I am sick and tired of people who don’t give a fuck about black on black crime (and related criminal statistics), random cases of police shootings that are not white cop/ unarmed black man, or any other bullshit argument to try to detract from the Mike Brown/ Darren Wilson “situation” or the outraged that has followed. You don’t follow urban crime closely enough to know whether or not there is an outrage in any of these cities in which you are pulling these statistics from. And we all know that local Chicago crime will not get consistent play on Baltimore TV and New Orleans crime will not be shown on Detroit TV and Oakland gang violence will fall on deaf ears in Washington, DC. Fox News doesn’t give a fuck about curbing inner city crime because it’s not in their demographic. CNN just wants to throw talking heads at the issue to try and generate buzz. And MSNBC will show whatever will get ratings and black people are only 13% of the population and somewhere, there’s some unfortunate white girl/ woman who was the victim of a crime, and that’ll always get ratings. There was no national coverage of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton organizing and attending anti-violence rallies in Chicago. But it happened. And if you gave a rats fuck about black on black crime, you would already know that. And if you want to get upset about a black cop shooting a white guy or a white cop shooting a white guy, please, by all means, draw attention to the situation. Cause a stir. BE FUCKING OUTRAGED. There’s nothing stopping you. But stop pretending that all your red herring arguments are nothing but a cover for one or more of the following truths: 1) you don’t care about Mike Brown or black men vs. police in general 2) you support the police and think the shooting was more likely than not justified or 3) you just plain ole don’t like or don’t trust black people as a whole. You may have a black friend or two, went to school with some, even had sex with this black guy one time, maybe, but on the whole, your world is white, middle class, and fairly mundane. If you aren’t speeding on the highway, you don’t have police interaction. Your neighbor/ significant other/ relative is a cop and he/ she is a good person. But these thugs running the street need to be stopped and the police are all that’s standing in the way between me and the big bad black guy. And if you are a non-white minority female, you are one white guy away from being assimilated and “protected” in white America.

To be clear a major portion of this backlash against the Ferguson, Missouri outrage is this undercut feeling of “I’m not outraged, why should you be?” These are the same motherfuckers who 1) post their political beliefs on Facebook all damn day and seemed shocked that the whole world doesn’t agree with them 2) are too obsessed with their sports teams and take way too much pride in the accomplishment of others 3) live in a fucking cocoon 4) know 3 or less black people (and may have even 1 close friend) but rarely, if ever, have that heartfelt race conversation or 5) think police brutality is not an issue worth discussing and would rather talk about their hobbies (it’s hunting season!!), their mundane lives (‘tis the season, Happy Holidays) or their uninteresting kids (it’s amazing how average people have superstar kids who grow up to be average people… rinse and repeat). Fuck it, I’m firing shots, and if you don’t like it, ignore it. It’s always your choice to ignore what you don’t like. Just like I don’t like the cops, but I wish I could ignore them. I wish I could feel like I would be protected and served by the police instead of punished and enslaved. I wish that it wasn’t open season on black men for the last 150 years (or to use a historical marker, I’m referring to the end of the Civil War). And I wish NFL Tight End Benjamin Watson wasn’t 100% correct in his assessment of the situation. And I wish you would stop pretending to give a fuck about things that you know you don’t care 1 ounce about.


#CivilWar2014 #Michael Brown # Ferguson #EnoughisEnough #PersecutedKnowledge #KnowledgeResponds #PersecutionisInevitable