Cowardly Shepherd, Knowledge responds to Alabama Aids Factory Juan McFarland

Cowardly Aids Factory, Juan McFarland

Cowardly Aids Factory, Juan McFarland

Sometimes in life, things are exactly what they seem. There’s no nuance, no hidden meaning, no double entendre and no ulterior motive. This is one of those moments. A man who intentionally exposes women to HIV by using his position of influence and leadership to engage in a sexual relationship with them is a coward. There’s no other side to Pastor Juan Demetrius McFarland’s story. Here’s a man who upon learning he was infected with the virus took no steps whatsoever to protect his subsequent partners or even inform them of his status. This is a man who cared nothing for the health and safety of the community at large by failing to realize that HIV/ AIDS is an epidemic that can devastate an entire region for generations. This is a man who co-opted his position as a religious leader to go on a one man crusade against women because he felt some kind of way about being infected. This is a man who claims to be a Christian but has probably never lived by any of the lessons taught in the Bible, lest he should be in this position in the first place. This is a man who couldn’t help but fall prey to his demons and exhibited no moral character whatsoever in the face of adversity. This is a man who failed to exhibit any inkling of common human decency with a group of people he was supposed to uplift. This is a man who failed to actually be a man.

The funny thing about religion is it can bring out the best or worst in human beings. Mother Theresa is an example of the best. Osama Bin Laden is an example of the worst. To be a preacher is to be the shepherd of a flock. But when the shepherd is leading the flock right to the wolves and refuses to even pretend to give a damn about the lives of the flock as they fall victim one by one, there’s nothing positive to be said about said shepherd. There was no mandate for this man to become a preacher. Nor was he forced into this position. And not only did he accept the mantle of leadership, he used his position to prey on women by taking advantage of their spiritual vulnerability and desire to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Cowardice is not always about running away from the field of battle. Nor is it always about failing to show bravery. defines coward as a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain; a timid or easily intimidated person. There a few things in life more difficult than a HIV diagnosis. There are few things harder than telling someone that you care about that you are HIV positive. And there are few things more painful than watching as people whom you felt you could trust or could depend upon distance themselves away from you because you are HIV positive. To be HIV positive is a battle physically, as your immune system slowly dies; it’s a battle emotionally as people refuse to deal with you; it’s a battle spiritually as you question whatever god you believe in as to why he would inflict such a blight upon your life. And to run away from those battles and simultaneously force someone else to go through the same battles solely due to your inability to face your own situation is the height of cowardice. And a cowards actions never fail to leave collateral damage.

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do in life is exhibit common human decency. It can take courage to do something simple or refrain from doing something simple solely because it’s right even. And it takes a special kind of coward to not only refuse to exhibit common human decency, but to do it over and over and over again with no ounce of remorse. It’s not hard to refrain from a sexual relationship with dozens of women. It’s not hard to use protection while engaging in sexual intercourse. And it’s not hard to realize that HIV is a death sentence and to intentionally inflict someone with this virus is tantamount to murder in the most insidious and dastardly way possible. And that is why this man is a coward.

#JuanMcFarland #PersecutedKnowledge #KnowledgeResponds #PersecutionAvenue #PersecutionIsInevitable

To read the original article, Eyes Wide Shut , published October 15

Alabama Aids Factory Pastor Juan McFarland, Eyes Wide Shut

Alabama Aids Factory Pastor Juan McFarland, Eyes Wide Shut

Obviously, this pastor is carnally wrong. It equates to slow murder and there’s no arguing that point, treat him as such- a murderer. Intentionally infecting anyone with a terminal disease is murder. The sad thing, is that it is more commonplace than people will admit, but we’ll revisit that later. First, lets speak to the type of woman that would have unprotected sex in a church and then gossip about it, not telling entire story. For argument sake, this whole debacle boils down to a lack of personal responsibility but a good look has to be given to the atypical behavior of the congregation first.


In Case you haven’t heard, Aids infected Pastor Juan Demetrius McFarland of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama has admitted to sleeping with an absurd amount of women in his congregation, and perhaps infecting them with the disease. According to the drug using, supposedly reformed pastor had unprotected sex with upwards of 50 women in the congregation. Pastor McFarland claims his HIV infection took place sometime in 2003 and that he has lived with full blown aids since 2008.  Aside from actually screwing many of these women right in the church, the pastor is now refusing to vacate his position in the church. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church,of Montgomery Alabama is forced with not only the embarrassment of the Pastor and congregation’s sex scandal but a ongoing legal battle to get the preacher out of their pulpit.


Women, people… fuck dogs listen, in 2014 the only people that mess around without protection are those that don’t give a fuck about the consequences and those too ignorant to be concerned with the consequences. If you’re one of the first grouping why the hell are you complaining? If you didn’t give a fuck then, please don’t give a fuck now.  If you are a part of the second group- those that live under a rock, I can only suggest that you have a conversation with your local middle schooler, I’m sure they can educate you…. And this has been your public service announcement for today.  There’s no room for debate here either, because it’s  insane to go raw with a fwb(friend with benefits) and then be surprised at the negative consequences. Plus there are too many billboards, tv commercials, etc.  The horse has been beat and  buried and it would be like me dancing on Mr. Ed’s grave.


As for the sheer amount of women infected, I don’t get it. People in the church “talk” and to think that the pastor and the deacon weren’t comparing notes about the Choir mistress; and that same Choir mistress didn’t tell the soloist that pastor poked her behind the organ pipes. Side note- someone should tell the choir mistress that’s not what they mean by Holy spirit. I just don’t understand how the black Christian rumor mill missed this secret about the pastor when it seldom misses anything.


I do feel that it speaks to people’s lop-sided process when spreading gossip and protecting secrets, however. Scared to shed light on self, scared to challenge those that we revere yet so ready to throw shade at those with which we have issues. Since when did the pastor become god on earth, I could have sworn he was human too, capable of pitfalls and stumbles like the rest of us. Where does this idea of blind faith come from? Oh wait I forgot: sheep, fleecing; I remember now.


And I know someone will see this as a race heavy slight at black people but in truth, most people have this issue. We don’t see the possible good in placing our struggle in public. We are scared of the embarrassment and disapproval of our neighbors, family and onlookers. Truth is, they are talking shit about you anyway, that’s why you have the thought that they will add it to their list of issues with you, so why give a fuck. In publicizing or at least talking to someone about your issue you do yourself good in being able to vocalize the feelings that are inherent with going through stressful times; and someone that is going through a similar situation may hear your story and gleam strength from the knowledge that they are not alone. I’m not saying that each of these women should be public beacons for HIV awareness. Had they spoken to at least, one another about the issue beforehand then this pastor would probably have been put out to pasture long ago.


As for the pastor, he’s an asshole that will be dealt with by the law but the truth is he only did what these women are doing, kept his mouth shut or lied. Most people’s issue with this situation is people not speaking the truth. Now we don’t know how many of these women specifically asked him the question and how many he only lied to by omission, but either way the truth wasn’t exposed, true. Well many of these women were married.  Also, how many ran down their complete sexual history before they got it in behind the baptismal pool? How many told their girlfriend next to them, hey don’t sleep with Pastor McFarland? I also wonder if any of the women intentionally set other church members up to be infected. How many are going to run it down before they have sex with their next partner? Especially the ones that have yet to come forward in light of the public scandal, will they be honest even if they are not asked?


If they don’t have to tell why should he. If we remove the malicious intent that he went at these women with then we get to the real issue of this incident, is someone with HIV obligated or should they even be compelled to tell you the truth on asking. Most claim that he had the responsibility of revealing his status, but in truth isn’t his responsibility in securing his own person; for lack of better wording, his pursuit of life liberty and living. If he had come forward would the church have dismissed him? Would he have been ostracized from the super judgmental world of the southern Baptist?  Well  think about your job, your name, your life and then tell me, you had an incurable disease that carries the stigma of  HIV, would you be so forthcoming? We’d all like to think we’d be a beacon of truth but fact of the matter is, in crisis we don’t know what we’d do.


Two of the stages of crisis that come to mind that would worry me specifically, shame and anger. I can only imagine the shame experienced and I’m sure its crippling. We all have that family member which we never want to give any ammo, well HIV is ammo for more than just your nosey aunt. Then in the anger phase I can picture some hot head thinking, “Why should I suffer alone, I’m gonna give this to anybody that is willing to catch it”; not truly malicious but being opportunistic. Disgustingly true, but I’m sure some psychology professor could turn it into a interesting paper.


Let’s be honest here this is just a case of personal responsibility gone out to lunch. Even with the mess that is wrapped up in this scandal:the aids factory pastor, the whores in church, the constantly whispering congregation, the law suit and all at a black christian church in the south( somebody call Tyler Perry); if these women had made him wrap it up, there would be no scandal.

#Personal Responsibility

What do you think? Is someone obligated to reveal their HIV status or should we all be responsible for our own safety regardless? Should the Pastor be prosecuted? Should the infected members’ identities be revealed? What are your thoughts on this whole situation leave me a comment.

#PersecutedKnowledge #PersecutionisInevitable